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Help on getting rid of those Monday Blues

By on Jun 23, 2014 in From Find the Capital, Running Your Business | 0 comments

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I was talking to one of my clients on a Monday morning at our weekly scheduled time and being that it was Monday we usually discuss how our weekends went. We have been working together for quite some time now and have an excellent business relationship. We both agreed that if your Monday doesn’t go well, the rest of the week is shot and usually isn’t productive. I asked him what do you do to start Monday with a positive attitude so your workweek is positive and productive. He said if I figured it out to let him know! After we finished our call, it got me thinking. How do you have a happy Monday instead of a blue Monday?

On this particular Monday I was feeling very excited and positive about the week and why was that?

  1. Start your week with a plan. A plan that starts on the Friday before. Determine what you need to do and make a list. Time block for each activity for the entire week so nothing falls through the cracks. This way, all you have to do each day is to react every day to your task list.
  2. Schedule a call every Monday with a business partner or associate that always produces a positive outcome. I started my day talking to a business associate that I really enjoy talking to. He’s so smart and he has a wicked sense of humor. We have had great momentum with his business; which makes me happy because that means I am doing my job well. We brainstorm well together and have fun doing it. I always feel productive and inspired after our calls and it is a great start to the week.
  3. I had a lunch scheduled with a business associate that day that always produces positive results so we started meeting every Monday. I always leave those lunches with m adrenaline flowing with great ideas. We always meet at a fun restaurant with great food and we talk about how we can help each other with our businesses. The result of those lunches has turned into a great partnership. Maybe you have lunch with a friend or business associate usually on a Friday? Why not try having lunch on Monday? Reward yourself in the beginning of the week instead of the end of the week with lunch with someone that always produces positive results.
  4. Live like a European. After living in Paris and London for a year I learned how to live like a European. Instead of working 9 to 5 maybe you work 10 to 12 hour days Monday thru Thursday and take every Friday off.  Have you noticed how after a long weekend how much more refreshed and energized you are to start the workweek? Memorial weekend reminded me of that feeling. Ok, maybe you can’t do it every week, but why not strive for every other week? Us Americans are born work alcoholics and we always overdue it. Being burnt out is not productive. Down time refreshes your brain and allows it to breath new life into it. You’ll be amazed how many great business ideas will come out of it.
  5.  So if you haven’t figured it out by now, here’s the bottom line: surround yourself with positive and productive people that inspire you and are there for you when you need a little nudge in the right direction whether its your friends, business associates, clients or partners. Plan your week and stick to it, the feeling of accomplishment is so powerful. Take a three-day weekend once and awhile.

I wrote this in hope that it would help you and as a tribute to the positive people surrounding me that inspire me and nudge me in the right direction when I start to veer off track. Thank you, you all know who you are…

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